Marion County School board member wants masks mandated, Gov. DeSantis said state will withhold salaries if they do


Be sure to watch the video below this article!

Marion County — Marion County School Board member Eric Cummings, who is also a preacher, said on Wednesday that he will keep preaching and insisting that masks be forced on students at all schools.

Cummings said he ran and campaigned for safe schools. He said while Marion County doesn’t have school shootings, it has COVID-19.

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an executive order banning mandates of face masks and making them optional.

On Wednesday, in an email to Ocala Post, DeSantis’ office said, “The State Board of Education could move to withhold the salary of the district superintendent or school board members, as a narrowly tailored means to address the decision-makers who led to the violation of the law.”

Cummings accused DeSantis of making threats.

DeSantis said it is not a threat and he will follow through if any school board in the state of Florida violates that law.

Cummings said he is not in his position for the pay check.

DeSantis has also stated that the CDC misleads the public with “incorrect COVID numbers.”

The Florida Department of Health announced on Monday that the CDC gave false data to the public and leading the public to believe that COVID numbers were much higher than what they actually are.

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube initially labeled the accusations as false.

However, the CDC in turn walked back their data claims and stated that they “accidentally” combined “multiple days into one.”

DeSantis said he will not allow masks or vaccines to be forced on Floridians by a government mandate.

In other states, such as Mt. Vernon, Indiana, school leaders are also being asked to forgo mask mandates.

Dr. Dan Stock spoke at a recent board meeting on the issue and his speech went viral. It has gained the attention of not only the CCD but other school board leaders as well.

You can see the video below.

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