Holiday train display returns to CF for 25th season


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Ocala, Florida — The Webber Gallery at the College of Central Florida presents the 25th annual “Trains at the Holidays” display Dec. 18-Jan. 2. The Webber Gallery is located at the CF Ocala Campus, 3001 S.W. College Road.

This display will feature model train layouts built and maintained by the Ocala Model Railroaders’ Historic Preservation Society. Every year, CF is honored to partner with the society to bring its beautiful model train collection to the community. As Jim DeLawter, OMRRHPS president, said, “The CF Express has been chugging along for 25 years!”

Viewing the trains is a holiday tradition for many local families, and thousands of patrons, young and old, visit each year. The display features modular train layouts and railroad memorabilia. Many of the layouts are inspired by historic Ocala landmarks, such as the Six Gun Territory theme park that operated in Marion County until 1984.

The display will open Saturday, Dec. 18, and will be on view from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. through Jan 2, with holiday hours of 12-3 p.m. on Dec. 24 and 31. The gallery will be closed Dec. 25-27 and Jan. 1. Admission is free. Visitors are highly encouraged to wear masks inside the gallery, and masks are provided at the front desk. For more information, call 352-854-2322, ext. 1664, or visit

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