Francis Marion Military Academy instructor sentenced to 80 years


Francis Marion Military Academy instructor, Duane Adams, ocala news, marion county, sexual predator, teacher,
Francis Marion Military Academy instructor, Duane Adams.

Ocala, Florida — Circuit Judge Jonathan Ohlman, sentenced former Francis Marion Military Academy instructor, Duane Adams, to 80-years in prison today for having a sexual relationship with one of his former students earlier this year. According to the State Attorney’s Office, he will serve a 20-year sentence for each his four counts of Sexual Battery that will run consecutive to one another. If he makes it out of prison, he will then be required to serve 10-years probation.

Adams, 55, who was arrested January 14, was found guilty on October 9.

Adams’ victim went missing on January 10. He was questioned, but denied knowing the whereabouts of the girl. She was located on January 13, at the Steak N’ Shake, 3800 SW College Road, Ocala.

Soon after, detectives learned Adams’ dark secret.

The girl told detectives she and Adams had consensual sex at [his] apartment multiple times, and that he treated her differently in school. He would also send her explicit text messages. She also told detectives she would occasionally accept money from Adams.

Adams also crossed over county lines to Volusia county, and had sex with the girl in a motel he had rented under a false name.

The girl did not want Adams to be arrested. She said she loved him and they had planned to get married in a different state when she turned 16. However, because she was under the age of 18, Florida law would not allow her to make that decision and prohibited her from consenting to sex.

Adams attempted many times to use the 20-years he spent in the military as protection, but in the end, it didn’t help.

Read the detailed articles on Adams’ arrest below.

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