More lice cases than usual at some Marion schools



lice, marion county school, lice in school, ocala post, ocala news

Many parents in Marion County have expressed concern about children recently being sent home from school due to having lice.

The Marion County School Board told Ocala Post that they have lice cases throughout the district on a daily basis.

The school district said they would not refer to the cases as “outbreaks” as some parents have stated on social media.

“Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen more cases than usual at Marion Oaks Elementary and Ward-Highlands Elementary, and those students are sent home immediately for treatment, said Marion County Public Schools Public Information Officer, Kevin Christian. “Our school board has a “no nits” policy, meaning students are sent home whenever a visible presence exists.  They cannot return until their lice issues are resolved.”

While there are many methods to kill lice, experts say aerosol hairspray, like AQUA NET, is an affordable way to kill lice. Simply douse the hair with hairspray, let it sit for approximately 15-minutes, and wash. Then, remove any dead lice or remaining nits with a lice comb.

Be sure to wash bedding as well.

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