Marion County Sheriff Chris Blair appointed to Northeast Florida Regional Domestic Security Task Force


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Florida Department of Law Enforcement Assistant Special Agent Mark Brutnell [left] and Marion county Sheriff Chris Blair
Marion County — On Wednesday, The Marion County Sheriff’s Office announced that Marion County Sheriff Chris Blair was appointed as a Co-Chair of the Northeast Florida Regional Domestic Security Task Force (RDSTF).

According to MCSO, Sheriff Blair will be on the Florida’s Domestic Security Oversight Council and would oversee the RDSTF Region 3 Jacksonville Division.

As the Co-Chair of the Northeast Florida RDSTF, Sheriff Blair said that his mission will be to prepare the regions first responders for possible terrorist events, improve intelligence on suspected terrorists, and enhance the technology capability for regional law enforcement agencies.

Sheriff Blair will also oversee the enhancement of public health & bioterrorism defenses in an a effort to protect Florida’s borders.

“Sheriff Blair was selected because of his strong commitment to combating terrorism not only in Region 3, but also statewide,” Florida Department of Law Enforcement Assistant Special Agent  Mark Brutnell said.

“It is a true honor to not only serve Marion County but to serve the State of Florida and Region 3 in keeping our citizens safe from all threats,” Sheriff Blair said.

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