Father beats child molester unconscious


The call has been redacted to protect the victims.

Florida Father beats child molester, daytona beach, pedophile
Raymond Frolander [Mugshot]
Holly Hill, Florida — “I got him in a bloody puddle for you officer. He is knocked out on the floor for you.” That is what a father told a 911 operator after he beat a man unconscious that he caught molesting his 11-year-old son.

According to the police report, the father walked in on Raymond L. Frolander, 18, sexually molesting his son and just lost it.

When officers arrived, they found Frolander laying motionless on the living room floor with several knots, abrasions and bruises on his face. Police said he was also bleeding from the mouth and his eyes were nearly swollen shut.

The father stated that he took physical action towards Frolander to prevent him from leaving the scene. He told the 911 operator that he used his fists and feet as weapons. The father said, “Send and ambulance because he’s going to need one.”

After Frolander was arrested, EVAC personnel transported him to Halifax Medical Center.

According to police, Frolander is a family member of the victim and was babysitting while the parents were at work.

Detectives met with the victim, who told them he was playing video games in the apartment with some friends. After his friends left, the boy stated that he was alone in the apartment with Frolander.

The child told investigators that Frolander asked him to sit on his lap, and a short time later, took the boy into the back room of the apartment.

Frolander disrobed the child, and began sexually molesting the victim. That is when the boys father walked in and saw Frolander’s exposed penis. The father then beat Frolander unconscious and drug him into the living room of the home.

The boy told investigators that Frolander had sexually abused him before. The boy stated that Frolander had been abusing him since he (the victim) was eight years old.

After being released from the Halifax Hospital, detectives interviewed Frolander, who admitted to having a sexual relationship with the child. Detectives stated that Frolander blurted out, “I’m guilty” during the interview.

Police said as far as they are concerned, the father did not commit a crime.

Dad was acting like a dad. I don’t see anything we should charge him with,” said Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood. “When you’re 8 years old, you’re supposed to be out running around the street riding your bike, playing ball, playing video games. Not worrying when a 15, 16, 17, 18-year-old comes near you, you know what’s going to happen when he comes near you and touches you. You know what’s going to happen when you’re alone with him.”

He added, “The father walked in and found his son being sexually abused in his own home…the father did what the father had to do.”

Frolander is charged with sexual battery on a child under the age of 12. The judge denied Frolander’s bond.

The Daytona Beach Police Department wants to know what the public knows about Frolander and his possible contact with other children. If you have any information, you are asked to call the Daytona Beach Police at 386-671-5202.

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